
Science News

Researchers develop first autism symptom self-assessment for adults

A new test may be one of the first effective self-assessments for a core symptom of autism in adults.
photo of an unmade bed
Science News

Autism & GI-related Sleep Disturbances: Q&A

Study on parental age and autism risk found increased autism rates among children of teen moms and whose parents have relatively large gaps between
vitamins in the palm of a hand
Science News

Supplements for kids with autism may lead to nutrient imbalances

Click here to read the largest study of its kind where Autism Speaks ATN researchers find too-high levels of some vitamins and minerals and not enough
mmr vaccine autism, autism and vaccines, vaccines and autism, vaccines autism, what is mmr
Science News

No MMR Vaccine-Autism Link in Large Study

In a large study, researchers found no link between MMR vaccines and autism-even among kids considered at high risk for autism spectrum disorder. Read
American flag in front of the White House

10 Things to know about the ABLE Act

The ABLE Act is built on the foundation of the current 529 education savings plans that help families save for college.
Dr. Ned Sahin, CEO of Brain Power

How wearable technology could benefit individuals with autism

A presentation delivered by Dr. Ned Sahin, CEO of Brain Power, spotlighted the importance of transforming “wearables,” such as Google Glass, into
Science News

Brain Study Finds Evidence that Autism Involves Too Many Synapses

Researchers have found further evidence that an overabundance of brain cell connections may cause or contribute to autism.
little girl looking down as a band aid gets put on her arm
Science News

New Meta-analysis Confirms: No Association Between Autism and Vaccines

Is there a connection between autism and vaccines? Studies reaffirm that vaccines don't cause autism and that some immunizations can decrease autism
service dog
Science News

Autism and Pets: More Evidence of Social Benefits

Autism and dogs: Study supports idea that interacting with pets benefits many autistic children. Click here to read more.
Science News

CDC Study Flags High Rate of Obesity among Teens with Autism

Medication side effects may play role in doubling obesity rate among teens with autism; associated health problems highlight need for expert help
Micrograph of Lactobacillus bacteria
Science News

'Good' Bacteria Ease Autism-like Behaviors in Mouse Model

In mice, infection or inflammation during pregnancy can produce offspring with autism-like behaviors such as social avoidance, anxiety and repetitive
sensory integration therapy, autism in children
Science News

Study finds sensory integration therapy benefits children with autism

Sensory integration therapy uses play activities in ways aimed at changing how the brain reacts to touch, sound, sight and movement.
Science News

Spotlight on the Gut Bacteria-Brain Connection in Autism

Increasingly, scientists are investigating how disruptions in the body’s microbiome– its normal community of healthful bacteria – might disturb brain
Science News

Study: Eye Contact Declines Early in Babies Who Later Develop Autism

High-tech eye tracking study finds what may be earliest clear sign of autism; suggests possible window for very early intervention
Science News

Study: Kids with Autism Have Fewer Kinds of Gut Bacteria

Researchers link reduced diversity of gut “microbiome” to autism, but not to severity of GI problems
Science News

Speech Devices Can Help Build Language in Schoolchildren with Autism

Despite intensive early therapy, around a third of children with autism speak few words when they enter school. Once experts believed that if children