
How better understanding can support better outcomes in police interactions with autistics
Science News

How better understanding can support better outcomes in police interactions with autistics

People with autism who have communication differences or behavior challenges often use supports or learn skills that allow them to go to school, get
Autism Speaks to host Thought Leadership Summit on Challenging Behaviors
Science News

Promising treatment programs highlighted at Thought Leadership Summit on Challenging Behaviors

As experts and the autism community gathered virtually for the second day of the Autism Speaks Thought Leadership Summit on Challenging Behaviors
Autism Speaks to host Thought Leadership Summit on Challenging Behaviors
Science News

Thought Leadership Summit on Challenging Behaviors opens with closer look at solutions to severe behavior

This summit will help provide a framework for solutions needed for autistic kids and adults to reach their full potential. Click to learn more info.
covid-19 virus
Advocacy News

Autism Speaks joins disability groups calling for priority access to COVID vaccine for people with autism

Autism and vaccines. Autism Speaks joins several disability groups in advocating for the autism community to be among the first to receive access to
hands holding a colorful Rubik's cube
Advocacy News

Autism Speaks applauds Department of Veterans Affairs for including vital autism care in insurance coverage for families of disabled veterans

Click here to read about how the Department of Veterans Affairs is including vital autism care in insurance coverage for families of disabled veterans
Autism Speaks to host Thought Leadership Summit on Challenging Behaviors
Science News

Autism Speaks to host Thought Leadership Summit on Challenging Behaviors

Autism Speaks will convene an invited group of researchers, clinicians, autistic adults and other autism community members virtually on Dec. 3 and 4,
Stress study of autism parents suggest parent training has benefits for caregivers as well as their kids
Science News

Stress study suggests parent training has benefits for caregivers as well as their kids

A study published in November points to a need for interventions that incorporate parent training to help support their child’s development, based
covid-19 virus
Science News

COVID-19 survey reveals widespread challenges for autism community and wider disparities for minority communities

A survey conducted in April by Autism Speaks – the first autism-specific survey to include a broad minority population - found that families of
Study finds teens with autism more likely to develop suicidal behavior due to bullying
Science News

Study finds teens with autism more likely to develop suicidal behavior due to bullying

Study on Autism Research  found that adolescents on the autism spectrum who were bullied were twice as likely to develop suicidal behavior over time.
boy looking at laptop screen that shows a video conference presentation
Advocacy News

Addressing barriers to behavioral health care services in California

Autism Speaks has expressed concern to the California Department of Health Care Services that some autistic students and their families are being
How to cope with disrupted family routines during COVID-19

Autism Speaks applauds introduction of the Supporting Children with Disabilities During COVID-19 Act

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Congressman Adam Schiff introduced legislation which provides dedicated funding for the Individuals with
Mother feeding her young child
Science News

New study links autism traits and eating disorders in moms of autistic children

A July 2020 study in the journal Autism Research found that mothers with eating disorders and a child with autism showed more autistic traits than
Inclusive Pride Flag
Science News

Study finds higher rates of gender diversity among autistic individuals

A September 2020 study published in Nature Communications found that transgender and gender-diverse individuals have higher rates of autism than their
Care Givers Training
Science News

Autism Speaks releases new CST Caregiver Quick Tips videos to support parents and caregivers of children with autism

Parents and caregivers of children with autism have a new tool in their tool box: a video training series to help them support their child’s
Autism and auditory processing disorder: A follow-up
Science News

Autism and auditory processing disorder: A follow-up

Central auditory processing disorder is common in people with autism. Studying processing disorders, and severe language and sensory issues, is
The new normal in public transit and paratransit during COVID
Science News

The new normal in public transit and paratransit during COVID

Dr. Feeley is an autism transportation researcher and the Transportation Autism Project Manager at the Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and