Meet Sarah K.

Sarah K., 21

You can be anything and anyone you want in this world as long as you believe it, and celebrating Pride is a representation of that.
Meet Sarah K.

Hi, I’m Sarah from Levittown, Pa. and I’m on the autism spectrum. I was diagnosed when I was 5, but I always knew I was a bit different.  

Today, I’m 21 years old and so proud of how far I’ve come. One of my most noteworthy accomplishments came in 2019 when I graduated high school. I have my family and friends to thank, as well as my fiancé, Ryan, for the unconditional support they’ve provided through the years. They’ve always been there to motivate me to keep pushing when I wanted to give up. They are a big reason why I am where I am today. ♥ 

As someone who identifies as bisexual as well as autistic, I’m so grateful to Autism Speaks for giving me this opportunity to share a bit about myself during Pride Month. By allowing people on the spectrum to see that we are not alone through stories and social media, it gives us the power to be our true selves and feel a sense of community. You can be anything and anyone you want in this world as long as you believe it, and celebrating Pride is a representation of that.  

Learn more about Sarah in this Q&A:  

Meet Sarah K.

How does your autism affect your life on a daily basis? 

My autism impacts my life in many ways. I got bullied a lot growing up, especially in middle school. I was judged a lot because I was different from everyone. I know now that I’m equal but when you’re younger, it’s hard to deal with. I believe we should all be treated equally because we are all pieces of the puzzle in this world and can make a difference if we work together. 

Meet Sarah K.

As a person who identifies as LGBTQ+, can you draw similarities between being “different” or the struggles you face when coming out to family, friends and peers about your autism and your sexuality?  

As I figured out my sexuality, I began to realize that it was going to be very emotionally hard for me to come out as bisexual to the important people in my life. I was afraid they wouldn’t accept me, just like when I was old enough to realize I had autism and struggled with the idea that people wouldn’t accept me. It turns out that they all accepted me with open arms and there was no judgment at all. 

What advice would you give to someone struggling with their sexual identity and the decision to come out to friends and family?  

Take it one day at a time. Prepare to come out to people whenever you’re ready to come out. It’s all up to your comfort level, so don’t stress about it.  

Why is being an advocate in both the autism community and LGBTQ+ community important to you?  

It is important because I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I want to make sure people who are going through similar things realize they are not alone in this life.   

What does Pride month mean to you?  

Pride means that you can be anyone or anything you want to be as long as you believe it. 

The story shared above represents the experience, views and perspectives of the individual(s) highlighted. We aim to share stories across the spectrum and throughout the life span, but the information provided on our website is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider and does not replace the advice of medical, legal or educational professionals.