Heartland Area Services and Support Activities

Florida Webinar Mission Series

Free webinars on key topics supporting autistic people, caregivers and providers in Heartland.

Our work helps ensure that all people with autism have the resources they need to reach their full potential and live life to the fullest - we're here to help. Click the links below for more information and to register.


Promote inclusion and enhance social relationships for people with autism and other disabilities.  Learn how to be a leader in your community by creating an environment of acceptance and value.


Research shows that early screening, diagnosis and interventions improve lifeline outcomes in with children with autism.  Discover how to access the wealth of the early intervention resources, tools, and supports within your local community.

Discover the free resources, tools and support available through Autism Speaks for providers, businesses and organizations serving people on the spectrum.  Find more ways to share our own services and information with the autism community in your area.

Each year more than 70,000 adolescents age out of school-based services. Learn critical information and resources to help prepare and support transition-aged youth (ages 12-22) for their unique path to adulthood.


  • Autism Speaks Directory - Year-round
    Submit events for our Autism Friendly Calendar or add a new service or provided to our resource Directory. All submissions will be reviewed before appearing on our site.
  • Autism Speaks Resource Guide - Year-round
    • This is for people with autism, parents, grandparents, friends, teachers, social workers, and everyone in between. Even if you have no connection to autism but are looking for resources, you may find this helpful.
  • Autism Speaks Autism Response Team - Year-round – Submit Autism Response Team inquiries here.
    • The Autism Response Team (ART) is an information line for the autism community. Our team members are specially trained to provide personalized information and resources to people with autism and their families. 1-888-AUTISM2 (1-888-288-4762) En Español: 1-888-772-9050